Does Your Shade Sail Hang Low?
Does Your Shade Sail Hang Low?
Does It Wobble To & Fro…..
But, hey it really is no joke if your shade sail is not performing as it should.
Your old shade sail could be damaged by the weather or no longer protecting you, or those you are trying to protect, from the UV rays or other weather, no longer providing for you or giving you what you had it installed for… incorrectly installed shade sails can also hold water and produce mildew.
Get Yourself A Durable, Long-Lasting, High Performing Shade Sail Replacement Or Shade Structure.
If you get your replacement shade sail installed by experienced and proven professionals it will be long lasting, durable and will provide you with the protection and purpose for which you had it installed in the first place.
It’s Easy To Get Yourself A Custom Made, Stylish, Premium Shade Sail Replacement – Beautifully Designed To Visually Please & Protect.
Our durable, Custom Made Shade Sails not only last, but are perfect for Australian conditions.
We offer a measure and replacement service and if your current Shade Sail was damaged in a storm, we can provide a detailed quote to your insurance company to have the sail replaced, even if we didn’t make your first one.